Print a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Plan menu and click Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Select a survey to print. The Survey details display. Click Print Survey:The Print page displays: Right-click on the Print page, and select Print.

Copy a Survey

Instead of creating a new survey, you can copy an existing survey and make changes. Copy a survey if changes are needed for the new fiscal year, or if a similar survey is needed.  From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Select a survey to copy. The … Read more

Create a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Click the Add button:   In the field labeled Title, add a title for the survey: In the drop-down box labeled Purpose, Direct Education will be the default selection. No change is required. In the field labeled Delivery Types, … Read more

Add Questions to a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Plan menu and click on Surveys:  The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only.If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter.  Click the Title of the survey to add questions to it.  The Survey Detail … Read more

Add a Custom Question to a Survey

If a question needed for your survey is not already listed in the question library, create a new custom question. Please note that it is best to edit custom questions as soon as possible. Once a custom question is created, it is added to the survey library. If the question is added to any other … Read more

Format a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys:  The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only. If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter. Click the Title of the survey to be formatted. The Survey … Read more

Set Permissions for a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only. If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter.  Click the Title of the survey to have permissions set.  The Survey Detail … Read more

Mark a Survey Active

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only. If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter.  Click the Title of the survey to be marked as Active.  The … Read more

Mark a Survey Draft

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Click the Title of the survey to be marked as Draft.  The Survey Detail View displays. Click the Mark as Draft link.The Mark as Active page is displayed. Click the Mark as Draft button, enabling the survey to be edited. The … Read more

Mark a Survey Inactive

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Click the Title of the survey to be marked as Inactive.  The Survey Detail View displays. Click the Mark as Inactive link.The Mark as Active page is displayed. Click the Mark as Inactive button to inactivate the survey. The survey cannot be … Read more