Create a Survey

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys:
    Select Surveys from Plan Menu
  2. The Surveys list displays. Click the Add button: 
    Surveys Add Button
  3.  In the field labeled Title, add a title for the survey:
  4. In the drop-down box labeled Purpose, Direct Education will be the default selection. No change is required.
  5. In the field labeled Delivery Types, select all delivery types for which this survey will be used, e.g. Pre, Post, and Follow-Up, or Retrospective.
  6. In the open text field labeled Description, enter a description for the survey as well as any additional notes you would like to include, as shown.
  7. In the text field labeled Copyright notice, if applicable, record any applicable copyright notices, e.g. if the survey was written by another author.
  8. In the field labeled Program Areas, select any and all applicable program areas from the drop-down menu.
  9.  Select whether or not to enable entering responses to this survey in aggregate by clicking the toggle.
  10. Click the Browse button and upload a Print Version of your survey, if available.
  11.  Click the Select link to upload survey instructions or other supplemental attachments.
  12. Click the Save and Continue button to save and begin adding questions to your survey.