Format a Survey

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys
    Select Surveys from Plan Menu
    The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only.
  2. If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter.
    Remove Active Filter
  3. Click the Title of the survey to be formatted.
    Select Survey
  4. The Survey Detail View displays. Click the Questions link in the progress pane.
    Select Questions Section
    The Questions page is displayed.
  5. Click and Drag questions into the desired order.
  6. Click the Not Numbered button of any headings or questions to not be numbered.
  7.  Click the Increase Depth button of any question to indent the question.
  8.  Click the Asterisk button to mark a question required
  9.  Click the Lock button to lock the question
  10. Click the Continue button to proceed to setting up the survey’s permissions.