Review an Action Plan

When Extension staff create an individual Action Plan in PEARS, they may begin by copying a state-level Action Plan. State-level plans can be created by Organization Administrators and Program Area Team Leaders, but these must go through an approval process before appearing in the Action Plan list. When staff record state-level Action Plans in PEARS, … Read more

Review a Professional Development Plan

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Review menu and click on Review Professional Development Plans: The Professional Development Plan list displays: Click on the professional development plan that needs to be reviewed: The Professional Development detail page displays: If the plan needs to be printed for review and signatures, click on the Print button: 

Review a Professional Development Event

When Extension staff create a professional development plan in PEARS, they select professional development events from the Event Catalog. Staff can propose new events to add to the catalog, but these must go through an approval process before appearing in the catalog. When staff record professional development event proposals in PEARS, they submit the event … Read more

Complete a Performance Review for an Agent (as their Supervisor)

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Reflect menu and click Performance Reviews: The Performance Reviews page displays and, if applicable, a self-assessment is listed. To complete reviews for staff that you supervise, select Go to Supervisor Reviews.  The list of supervisor reviews displays. Note that the list indicates which reviews have been completed. … Read more

Email Action Plans to Board Members

Some states choose to include board members as part of the performance review process. If your state includes board members, they may be asked to review Action Plans that agents in their county have created for the next fiscal year. If a board member has an email address listed, the supervisor can send a link … Read more

Email Performance Reviews to Board Members

Some states choose to include board members as part of the performance review process. If your state includes board members, supervisors will find information on board member reviews within their own review of the agent. When a supervisor first opens an agent’s review, the review details appear. Among other items, this page lists: board members, … Read more

Complete a Performance Review (Board Member)

Some states choose to include board members as part of the performance review process. When the performance review process begins, supervisors will send board members performance reviews for agents in their county. Depending on the board member’s preference, they will receive a paper survey or an email. If a paper survey is received in the … Read more

Complete a Performance Review on Behalf of a Board Member

Some states choose to include board members as part of the performance review process. If your state includes board members, supervisors will find information on board member reviews within their own review of the agent. When a supervisor first opens an agent’s review, the review details appear. Among other items, this page lists: board members, … Read more