Edit an Action Plan

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Action Plans: The Action Plans list displays. Select the action plan to be edited: The action plan details display. Click the Edit button: The General Information page displays. Use the links below the progress bar to navigate to different sections of the action … Read more

Delete an Action Plan

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Action Plans: The Action Plans list displays. Select the action plan to be deleted: The action plan details display. Click the Delete button: A confirmation message appears. If the action plan should be deleted, click Yes. To cancel, click No. The action plan no longer appears … Read more

Print a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Plan menu and click Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Select a survey to print. The Survey details display. Click Print Survey:The Print page displays: Right-click on the Print page, and select Print.

Copy a Survey

Instead of creating a new survey, you can copy an existing survey and make changes. Copy a survey if changes are needed for the new fiscal year, or if a similar survey is needed.  From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Select a survey to copy. The … Read more

Create a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. Click the Add button:   In the field labeled Title, add a title for the survey: In the drop-down box labeled Purpose, Direct Education will be the default selection. No change is required. In the field labeled Delivery Types, … Read more

Add Questions to a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Plan menu and click on Surveys:  The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only.If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter.  Click the Title of the survey to add questions to it.  The Survey Detail … Read more

Add a Custom Question to a Survey

If a question needed for your survey is not already listed in the question library, create a new custom question. Please note that it is best to edit custom questions as soon as possible. Once a custom question is created, it is added to the survey library. If the question is added to any other … Read more

Format a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys:  The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only. If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter. Click the Title of the survey to be formatted. The Survey … Read more

Set Permissions for a Survey

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only. If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter.  Click the Title of the survey to have permissions set.  The Survey Detail … Read more

Mark a Survey Active

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Surveys: The Surveys list displays. By default this will show a list of active surveys only. If the desired survey is not yet active, click the x next to the Active filter.  Click the Title of the survey to be marked as Active.  The … Read more