Export User Account Data

User Managers and Organization Administrators can use the Manage Users page to add, edit, or deactivate user accounts. Staff with these roles can also export user account data. Exporting user data allows you to check user account details and permissions in bulk. The following article provides more information on exporting user data from PEARS. To jump … Read more

Manage Program Area Teams

Organizations that use PEARS to record Extension data can optionally assign each user to a Program Area Team role. For organizations that work in Program Area Teams, these roles can be used to track roles within the organization and to grant permissions. Program Area Team roles include: Leader, Consultant, Member, and Follower. User Managers and Organization … Read more

Manage Organization Settings

Several features in PEARS can be managed at the organization level. These features are designed to adjust your organization’s reporting structure or improve efficiency. Most features will apply for all staff members using PEARS in your organization. Organization Administrators have access to view and adjust organization settings. To change certain settings, administrators will need to … Read more

Access the PEARS Directory

The PEARS Directory lists staff within your organization that have administrative roles in PEARS. The Directory briefly describes each role and lists staff assigned to each role.  From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the question mark icon and click Directory: The PEARS Directory appears. For each administrative role, a description is provided. Staff … Read more

Mark a Record as Verified

The Data Manager role gives users access to view and edit all data within their organization. These privileges enable more efficient data cleaning and verification. Optionally, Data Managers may mark records as verified or unverified to track which data has been cleaned. This is not required to use PEARS or to verify records. Each organization … Read more

View a Verified Record

The Data Manager role gives users access to view and edit all data within their organization. These privileges enable more efficient data cleaning and verification. Optionally, Data Managers may mark records as verified or unverified to track which data has been cleaned. This is not required to use PEARS or to verify records. Each organization … Read more