View List of Board Members (Unit Directors)

Some states choose to include board members as part of the performance review process. If your state includes board members, Unit Directors can view a list of board members within PEARS. The list of board members also allows directors to filter the list, copy a list of board member emails, and download a list of board members and their contact information. To view, filter, copy email addresses, or download the list, follow the steps below.

View the List of Board Members

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the question mark icon and click Board Members:
    View Board Member List
  2. A list of board members displays. If applicable, service area directors are listed. Next, board members for each unit are listed.
    List of Board Members
  3.  To view contact information for an individual board member, hover over a board member’s name.
    Board Member Contact Information

Filter the List of Board Members

Before copying board member emails or downloading board member information, filter the list of board members.
  1. By default, all current board members are listed. To show other board members, click the Filter button.
    Board Member List Filter Button
  2. Three filter options display: Current Board Member, Contact preference, and Unit. Select filter criteria to determine which board members display in the list. For example, to show current board members in a specific unit who prefer to be contacted by email, select the options shown below. Click Apply to filter the list by the options selected.
    Board Member List Filters
  3. Applied filters appear at the top of the page.
    List of Board Members Applied Filters
    To remove a filter, click the x next to the filter name, or click the filter button and apply different filters.
    Remove Board Member Filters

Copy the List of Board Members Emails

  1. Click the Email button to show email addresses for the current filtered list of board members.
    Board Member List Email Button
  2. A list of email addresses displays for the listed board members.
    Board Member Emails
  3. To efficiently send an email to a group of board members, copy and paste the list of email addresses into your email application (Outlook, etc.)

Download the List of Board Members

  1. Click the Download button to download board member information for the current filtered list of board members.
    Board Member List Download Button
  2. An Excel document is downloaded. Open the document to view a list of board members and their contact information.
    Board Member Excel