View a Verified Record

The Data Manager role gives users access to view and edit all data within their organization. These privileges enable more efficient data cleaning and verification. Optionally, Data Managers may mark records as verified or unverified to track which data has been cleaned. This is not required to use PEARS or to verify records. Each organization may determine their own data cleaning process. To view verified or unverified records, follow the steps below.
  1. Go to the record(s) you would like to view.
    For example, to view verified Program Activities, hover the cursor over the Engage menu and click Program Activities:
    Select Program Activities from Engage menu
  2. The Program Activities list displays. Click Filter to filter the list for verified records.
    Filter Program Activities
  3.  In the Verified field, select Verified or Not Verified.
    Verified Filter Field
  4. Click Apply.
    Apply Filters
  5. Based on the filter selected, the list shows all records that have been marked verified or all records that have not been marked verified.
    Verified Records
  6. Click x to remove the filter. Click the Filter button to select a different filter.
    Remove Verified Filter