Plan for PSE Sustainability

An important aspect of PSE site activities is setting them up so that the benefits generated from them are maintained over time. The sustainability section focuses on the labor involved in sustaining and maintaining PSE work at this site for the current reporting period. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and and click … Read more

Add Your Reflection

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click on PSE Site Activities: Click on the PSE which requires a completed or updated Reflections section: The PSE general overview form displays. Click on Reflections: The Reflections page displays. Optionally, use the drop downs to assign up to 5 assets to PSE work at this site: … Read more

Mark a PSE Complete

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click on PSE Site Activities:   Click on the PSE which needs to be marked complete: The PSE general overview form displays. Click on Mark as Complete: The Mark as Complete page displays. Click on the Mark as Complete button: The Success window displays. Click OK … Read more

Delete a PSE

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click PSE Site Activities: The PSE Site Activities list displays. Select a PSE to delete: The PSE details display. Click the Delete button: A confirmation message appears. If you would like to proceed, click Yes. If the PSE record has been copied, a note explains that the … Read more

Choose a setting for a PSE Site Activity

How to Choose a Setting for PSE Site Activities When you create a PSE Site Activity, you must select the setting of the PSE work at this site. The setting of the PSE work may at times differ from the physical location of the site or organization. In most cases, select the most specific PSE … Read more

Document Reach

For the purposes of this reporting system, reach is defined as the unduplicated number of people who come in direct contact with one or more PSE changes at a site over the course of a year. Please report on reach at the site level only. Thus, if you are implementing multiple PSE strategies in a site, the … Read more

Add Custom Data

The following article outlines how to complete the Custom Data section that may be included within PEARS modules. More information is provided in each section below. To jump to a specific section, click a link from the following list: Overview Add Custom Data Overview The Custom Data section can be used to collect data in … Read more

COVID-19 Impact

The COVID-19 Impact field was created in April 2020 to help organizations track the impact of the novel coronavirus on planning programs and delivering activities. This field is optional and can be added or removed as needed. The following article outlines how to add the COVID-19 field for data entry, defines the drop-down options listed … Read more