Plan for PSE Sustainability

An important aspect of PSE site activities is setting them up so that the benefits generated from them are maintained over time. The sustainability section focuses on the labor involved in sustaining and maintaining PSE work at this site for the current reporting period.
  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and and click on PSE Site Activities:
    Select PSE from Engage menu
  2. The PSE list displays. Click on the PSE which requires a completed or updated Sustainability section:
    Select PSE From List
  3. The PSE general overview form displays. Click on Sustainability
    Select Sustainability
  4. The Sustainability page displays. Click on the drop-down menu and indicate if any efforts been taken to support sustainability of the PSE changes over time?

    If No is selected, this section is complete. Click Save and Continue to move on to the next section, or click Save to go back to the overview page for the PSE.
  5. If Yes is selected, the Sustainability Mechanisms options display. Assign a choice for each of the rows indicated:
    Sustainability Mechanisms
  6. Optionally, select the Level that the policies require the maintenance of the PSE changes:
  7. Optionally, select all stakeholder groups who helped sustain this effort:

  8. Next, place the cursor in the field labeled as Sustainability framework or assessment tool used for this reporting year. If applicable, chose a sustainability framework/assessment from the drop-down list:
  9. If “Other, please specify” is selected, record the name of the framework or assessment tool used:
    Other Framework or Assessment Tool
  10. Lastly, a description of the assessment results may be added:
  11. Click Save to save your progress or Save and Continue to save the page and move to the next section.