COVID-19 Impact

The COVID-19 Impact field was created in April 2020 to help organizations track the impact of the novel coronavirus on planning programs and delivering activities. This field is optional and can be added or removed as needed. The following article outlines how to add the COVID-19 field for data entry, defines the drop-down options listed in the COVID-19 field, and describes how to view the data collected. To jump to a specific section, click on one of the following links.

Add the COVID-19 Field

The COVID-19 Impact field does not automatically display in PEARS. Each organization can opt-in at any time to use this optional field.
Once added for an organization, the COVID-19 Impact field appears in the following modules and exports:
  • Action Plans
  • Program Activities
  • Success Stories
  • Indirect Activities
  • Partnerships
  • Coalitions
  • PSE Site Activities
  • Social Marketing Campaigns

Use the COVID-19 Field

The COVID-19 Impact field includes six options to select from a drop-down list:
COVID-19 Impact
  1. None (——-) No selection specified. COVID-19 did not impact this activity, plan, partnership, etc.
  2. New due to COVID-19 This is a new activity, plan, partnership, etc. developed in response to COVID-19 that was otherwise unplanned.
  3. Postponed due to COVID-19 This activity, plan, partnership, etc. was postponed to a later date due to COVID-19, however it has not been cancelled.
  4. Modified due to COVID-19 This activity, plan, partnership, etc. was modified or approached differently due to COVID-19. For example, a Program Activity that was originally planned as in-person was moved to an online delivery method.
  5. Cancelled / not completed due to COVID-19 This activity, plan, partnership, etc. was cancelled entirely or before completion. Please consult your Organization Administrator for guidance on when to delete records vs. marking them as Cancelled / not completed.
  6. No Impact due to COVID-19 COVID-19 did not impact this activity, plan, partnership, etc.

View COVID-19 Data

The COVID-19 Impact field appears on the record details page, when editing records, and in exports.
  1. Record details
    After selecting a record from the list, the details appear. The COVID-19 Impact field appears directly below the Unit field.
    COVID-19 List View
  2. Edit a record
    The COVID-19 Impact field appears directly below the Unit field when editing a record.

  3. Exports
    Covid-19 Impact data appears directly after the Unit data in exports.
    COVID-19 Export

Filter for COVID-19 Impacts

The COVID-19 Impacts filter is available under both the Track menu and Analyze menu for all applicable modules:
  • Action Plans
  • Program Activities
  • Success Stories
  • Indirect Activities
  • Partnerships
  • Coalitions
  • PSE Site Activities
  • Social Marketing Campaigns
  1. Click the Filter button to select filters:
    Select Filter Button
  2. Select an option under the COVID-19 Impacts filter to find records listing a certain impact (new due to COVID-19, postponed due to COVID-19, etc.) After selecting the desired filter option, click the Apply button.
    Filter for New due to COVID
  3. Records that include the filter criteria are listed, and selected filters appear at the top of the list.
    Applied COVID-19 Filter