Configure Columns

Summary On July 18, 2024, a new customization option was added to the list of records within each data entry module. A new option to “Configure Columns” is now included next to the list of records in each module. Each user can optionally customize the order in which columns are displayed and can hide columns … Read more

Manage Lists: Keywords and PSE Changes

Summary On July 11, 2024, we added two new customizable list options to the “Manage Lists” administration page in PEARS Success Story Keywords SNAP-Ed PSE Changes More detail on both lists is included below. Please contact PEARS Support (, 785-789-3199) if you have questions. Keywords Background The keywords field is included in the General Information section of … Read more

Update to PEARS Menus

Summary To add more meaningful naming and ordering to the menus and modules, PEARS is making a few updates to the navigation menus after business hours on June 12, 2024. All users will see the following changes: The “Track” menu is renamed to “Engage”. The “Success Stories” module is moved to a new “Reflect” menu. … Read more

PEARS features for age 5-17 subcategory data

Summary In June 2024, we released the following updates to assist with the requirement to report 5-17 age subcategory data for the FY24 annual report in N-PEARS: Add Org Setting to enforce collecting 5-17 age subcategories Update N-PEARS Export to estimate 5-17 age subcategories More detail on both updates is included below. Please contact PEARS Support (, … Read more

Update to the PEARS Login Page

Summary In January 2024, we released a new version of the PEARS login page. The new login page includes a simpler, more modern design. This update is stylistic, and does not affect the login process. Users still access PEARS in the same place (, and with the same login credentials. An example of the new … Read more

Update to the Homepage Dashboard

Summary In July 2023, we released a new version of the Homepage Dashboard. The new dashboard better highlights work in progress, with a goal for all users to complete their records before the reporting period deadline. New components of the homepage dashboard include: Work in Progress Completion Status by Module Quick Links Events and Deadlines … Read more

Program Activity, Project, and Language Updates for FY23

Summary In October 2022, the following updates were rolled out to align with new SNAP-Ed reporting requirements and to maintain consistency between SNAP-Ed and Extension reporting in PEARS: Program Activity Updates – General Information Program Activity Updates – Demographics Project Updates (SNAP-Ed Only) Languages Update Survey Updates – Demographic Questions Please see the sections below … Read more

Copy an Action Plan

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Plan menu and click on Action Plans: The Action Plans list displays. Select the action plan to be copied:   The action plan details display. Click the button labeled “Copy Plan to…” Depending on the details of the Action Plan being copied, the copy options displayed may include: Copy … Read more

Create an Action Plan

From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Action Plans: The Action Plans list displays. Click the green Add button: The General Information page displays.  First, enter a Title for the action plan. From the drop-down list, select the Reporting period that applies to the action plan. The current reporting period and upcoming reporting … Read more

Add Situation Assessment

From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Plan menu and click on Action Plans: The Action Plans list displays. Select an action plan to edit:   The action plan details display. Click Situation Assessment.The Situation Assessment page displays: If a needs assessment was performed for this action plan, select “Yes” from the drop-down list. Otherwise, leave … Read more