Add Situation Assessment

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Plan menu and click on Action Plans:
    Select Action Plans from Plan Menu
  2. The Action Plans list displays. Select an action plan to edit:
  3. The action plan details display. Click Situation Assessment.
    Select Situation Assessment Link
    The Situation Assessment page displays:
    Situation Assessment
  4. If a needs assessment was performed for this action plan, select “Yes” from the drop-down list. Otherwise, leave “No” selected.
    Action Plan Needs Assessment
  5. If a needs assessment was performed for this action plan, enter a brief description of assessment results.
    Action Plan Assessment Results
  6. Optionally, enter a Situation statement to describe the problematic condition or issue that demands a programmatic response.
    Action Plan Situation Statement
  7. If it’s an Individual plan, you have the option to enter the Public value to describe how the plan benefits individuals beyond those who participated in the plan.
    Action Plan Public Value
    If it’s a State plan, then Public value is a required field:
  8. Click Save and continue to save the page and move to the next section, or click Save to save the current changes and view the record details.
    Save and Continue or Save