Edit a Unit Director

Some organizations appoint unit directors to oversee and coordinate the overall work taking place within each unit. If your organization uses unit directors, these staff members can be designated in PEARS in order to receive additional permissions for their management roll. For a list of permissions given to each unit director, see the following article: … Read more

Remove a Unit Director

Some organizations appoint unit directors to oversee and coordinate the overall work taking place within each unit. If your organization uses unit directors, these staff members can be designated in PEARS in order to receive additional permissions for their management roll. For a list of permissions given to each unit director, see the following article: … Read more

Manage Custom Fields

Organization Administrators can use the Manage Custom Data page to create additional fields for data collection within their organization. This management page allows administrators to add, edit, and delete custom fields, as needed. Once custom fields have been created, they can be added to modules for data entry. Custom fields can also be re-ordered or … Read more

Manage Lists

Programming Managers and Organization Administrators can use the Manage Lists page to add list items, edit list items, delete list items, or re-order list items. This page can also be used to prepare lists for the next reporting period. The following article outlines how to perform each of these management tasks. To jump to a … Read more

Fields Available to Manage

Organization Administrators can use the Organization Settings page to customize certain fields, sections, and settings in PEARS.  This list is designed to help Organization Administrators determine which settings may need to be updated, based on the current reporting needs.  This article does not include a comprehensive list of all settings. Only settings that impact specific … Read more

Lists Available to Manage

Programming Managers and Organization Administrators can use the Manage Lists page to add list items, edit list items, or delete list items. One month before the start date of the next reporting period, PEARS will automatically copy all reporting-period specific lists to the next reporting period, and you will be able to manage the lists … Read more

Reporting Periods Overview

SNAP-Ed and Extension work is reported into PEARS each year. The time frame in which data can be reported each year is called the Reporting Period. Data in PEARS is organized by Reporting Periods. The Reporting Period structure affects your PEARS experience by providing organizations flexible reporting deadlines, providing Organization Administrators tools to manage reporting … Read more

Preserve Data Integrity While Editing Data from Past Reporting Periods

The Data Manager role gives users access to view and edit all data within their organization, including data from past reporting periods. Keep in mind the following precautions while editing data from past reporting periods: Reporting Period Specific Lists: Some lists, such as curriculum, may change each reporting period. When editing a record from a … Read more

Edit Reporting Periods

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig8KYYJvtJk Each year, SNAP-Ed and Extension work is reported into PEARS. The time frame in which data can be reported each year is called the Reporting Period. Data in PEARS is organized by Reporting Periods. Each record is assigned a Reporting Period, to track which year the activities occurred. Reporting is automatically set to open … Read more

Add a Site

Programming Managers and Organization Administrators can use the Manage Sites page to add, edit, merge, or delete sites. Staff with these roles can also mark sites inactive and export site data. To add a new site, follow the steps below. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the gear icon and click Manage Sites:  The sites … Read more