Registration Form Templates and Blocks

Navigate to the Manage Event Form Templates in the administration drop down. A list of templates and blocks created within the your organization. Click the Add button in the top right to create a new template. Give the template a description, select if it’s a template or block, and finish by clicking create. The Form Builder appears. … Read more

Manage Registrations

Navigate to a specific event in the Community Events module. Once you’ve selected an event, click the Manage Registrations button in the top right of your screen. The Manage Registrations screen displays. On this screen, search for registrants or filter by attendance status, payment status, registration type, and more. Registration details can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.  To … Read more

Create a Community Event

Navigate through the Plan menu to the Community Event section. Here you will add the details of the new event. There are several required fields including: The name of the event, a summary, when the event is, and where the event will be held (if the event is marked as in person). Additionally, there are optional fields … Read more