Registration Form Templates and Blocks

  1. Navigate to the Manage Event Form Templates in the administration drop down.
    Select Manage Event Form Templates
  2. A list of templates and blocks created within the your organization. Click the Add button in the top right to create a new template.
  3. Give the template a description, select if it’s a template or block, and finish by clicking create.
  4. The Form Builder appears. Here you have the ability to create custom templates and blocks for your organization.
  5. Add the elements by dragging and dropping them from the panel on the right side of the screen.

    We recommend renaming the field under properties. This will show in the export, so if it’s name is not unique you may have trouble identifying which question it is referring to.
  6. Select the preview button if you wish to review your final copy. If not, click Go back to return to the Registration Form Templates and Blocks list view.