Enter Survey Response Data

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Engage menu and click Program Activities:
    Select Program Activities from Engage menu
  2. The Program Activities list displays. Select a Program Activity to edit.
    Select Program Activity
  3. The Program Activity details display. Click Evaluation:
    Program Activities Evaluation
  4. The evaluation page displays, listing attached surveys:
    Survey Details
  5. To enter participant responses from paper surveys, click the first action button.
    Survey Add Responses Button
  6. The Add New Response form appears, showing survey questions:
    Add New Response
    Enter responses from a participant’s survey.
  7.  Click Save to save your progress or click Save and Add New to save the page and enter responses from a different participant.
    Survey Save Buttons
    Continue to save and add new responses until data from all participants has been entered.
  8. As response data is entered, edit or delete responses as needed.
    To edit response data, make changes to the current page and click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
    Survey Save
    To delete the current page of response data, click the Delete button at the top of the page.
    Delete Survey Response Button
  9. Once data from all participants has been entered, click Go Back to Attach Surveys to return to the surveys page.
    Go Back to Attach Surveys Button
  10. To attach another survey, click Attach Survey. To continue to the next section, click the Save and continue button.
    Surveys Attach or Continue