Contacts by Critical Issues

The Contacts by Critical Issues report shows the duplicated number of participants for each Critical Issue for given filter criteria. The report is populated by data recorded in Quarterly Effort reports. The following article outlines how to access the report, change report filters, view report sections, and how to save the report. This article also notes how report data is calculated.
Note: All data shown is example data, and not to be referenced as real data.
  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Analyze menu and click Contacts by Critical Issues.
    Select Contacts by Critical Issue
  2. The Contacts by Critical Issues report displays:

Change Report Filters

  1. By default, the Contacts by Critical Issues report is filtered to show data from records that you have created during the current reporting year. Click the Filter button to change the default filters.
    Contacts by Critical Issues (formerly Grand Challenges) filter
  2. Filter options display. Change the filter criteria as needed to display the desired set of data.
  3. Click Apply to confirm the selected filters. Each section now shows data based on the applied filters.
  4. The applied filters are listed under the title of the Contacts by Critical Issues report. For example, the Reporting Year, Reporting Period, Created by, and Quarter filters are displayed here:
    Contacts by Critical Issues (formerly Grand Challenges) selected filters

View Report Sections

The Contacts by Critical Issues report includes one chart showing demographics for the gender, race, and ethnicity categories. Scroll down the page to see the results for each Critical Issue.

Save Report Charts

To print or save this report, please reference the following article: Save or Print a Record as a PDF.