Auto Calculate Program Activity Demographics

In each Program Activity record, PEARS can automatically calculate the total participants and demographics for the program based on data reported in sites, surveys, or Youth Programming data. Instructions for auto calculating demographics in different reporting scenarios are outlined below. Click on a link to jump to a specific section:

Auto Calculate Demographics from Site, Survey, or Youth Programming Data

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click Program Activities:
    Select Program Activities from Engage menu
  2. The Program Activities list displays. Select a Program Activity to edit.
    The Program Activity details display. Click Demographics:


  3. The demographics page displays:
    Demographics Page Auto Calc

    If Demographic data is recorded through Site data, Surveys, or Youth Programming Custom Data, you may Auto Calculate demographics following the steps below. Otherwise, follow the instructions linked here to report demographics manually: Add Demographic Information to a Program Activity.

  4. Click Auto Calculate to compute demographics.
    Program Activities Auto Calculate Button
  5. If the Program Activity includes multiple types of data that could be used to calculate demographics, select a data source.

    Program Activities Auto Calculate Options

  6. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes, and PEARS will calculate demographics, based on the type of data selected:
a. Site-wide demographics
Site Auto Calc
Enter the total participants. To calculate demographics, the total is multiplied by percentages assigned to each demographic category.
Total Participants recorded = 200
Site demographics include:
– Hispanic/Latino: 40%
– Non-Hispanic/Latino: 60%
The following demographic totals would be calculated:
– Hispanic/Latino: 80
(200 * .4 = 80)
– Non-Hispanic/Latino: 120
(200 * .6 = 120)
b. Survey Responses
Survey Auto Calc
To calculate demographics, data collected in attached surveys is totaled. Demographic questions with no responses are counted in the Unknown field, when applicable.
If a survey includes a question that can collect ethnicity data, the number of responses for each answer choice is added:
Ethnicity Question
The sum of each choice is displayed on the demographics form.
c. Youth Programming Data
Youth Programming Auto Calculate Message
To calculate demographics, data collected in the Youth Programming section is totaled. Data from the Gender and Race & Ethnicity tables is included.


  1. 7. Click Save and Continue to save the page and move to the next section or click Save to save progress and view the record details.
    Save and Continue or Save

Auto Calculate Demographics from Multiple Surveys

Demographic data for a program may be collected in multiple surveys. For example, if participants speak multiple languages, a separate survey may be distributed for each language. If needed, the auto calculate feature can combine data from multiple surveys.

  1. Follow steps 1-4 listed above. Once the Auto Calculate button is clicked, a window appears:
    Auto Calculate Using Survey Responses
  2. Select one of the available surveys from the drop-down list.
    Select First Survey
  3. Click Yes.
    Yes First Survey
  4. The Program Activity Demographics page is updated with data from the selected survey.
  5. Click Auto Calculate.
    Program Activities Auto Calc Button
  6. Select the second survey.
    Select Second Survey
  7. Check the box “I would like to add new demographic data to existing demographic values instead of replacing them.
    Add demographic data checkbox
  8. Click Yes.
    Yes Second Survey
  9. The Program Activity Demographics page is updated with data from the selected survey. Data from both surveys is now listed.
  11. Click Save and Continue to save the page and move to the next section or click Save to save progress and view the record details.