Add Survey Evaluations to a Program Activity

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click Program Activities:
    Select Program Activities from Engage menu
  2. The Program Activities list displays. Select a Program Activity to edit.
  3. The Program Activity details display. Click Evaluation:
  4. The evaluation page displays:
  5. Under the question “Did you perform any evaluations of this program activity”, select Yes or No from the drop-down menu.
    Did you perform evaluations
  6. Using surveys to evaluate direct education is not required to complete a Program Activity record in PEARS. If no survey data is being reported, click No. Then click the Save and continue button to continue to the next section.
    No evaluation
  7.  If surveys are being used to evaluate the program activity, select Yes
    The surveys section appears.
    Yes evaluation
    If PEARS is not being used to collect survey responses, click the Save and continue button to continue to the next section.
  8. If PEARS is being used to collect survey responses via the public link or to record survey responses collected on paper surveys, click Attach Survey.
    Attach Survey
    The add survey window appears.
    Add Program Survey
  9. Select a survey from the drop-down list.
    Select Survey
  10. Select the type of survey responses being recorded. Type options specified on the survey appear in a drop-down list.
    Survey Type
  11. Select the date the survey was originally delivered. This is the date the survey was administered to participants (not the date the survey responses are entered in PEARS).
    Survey Date Delivered
  12. Optionally, adjust the name of the survey to add more detail. This only changes the name of the survey as it appears in the current Program Activity.
    Survey Name
  13. Optionally, select to Aggregate responses. This options only appears if the survey was designed to allow aggregate responses.
    Aggregate Survey Responses
  14. Click Save to add the survey.
    The survey details are now listed on the surveys page. If needed, edit the survey details by clicking the edit button.

    Edit Survey Details Button

  15. Next, enter survey responses, attach another survey, or continue to the next section.
    Attach survey, add responses, or save