Share Impact Dashboards

Dashboards may be shared with other PEARS users or external stakeholders.
  1.  Select a dashboard to share, and filter the dashboards to show the desired data set. For more information on accessing and filtering dashboards, follow the steps listed in this article: Impact Dashboards.
  2.  Click the Share button.
    Dashboards Share Button
    The Share Dashboard window appears.Share Dashboard Window
  3. Enter a name for the dashboard being shared, describing the data displayed.
    Dashboard Share Name
  4. By default, the shared dashboard will display real time data. Any data recorded in PEARS after the share is created will be included in the dashboard.
    Optionally, check Share as a snapshot to display data based on a point in time. The shared dashboard will only display the data recorded in PEARS the moment the share was created.
    Share Dashboard as a Snapshot
  5.  Be default, the shared dashboard is only accessible to staff with PEARS accounts.
    Optionally, check Make publicly accessible to share the dashboard with anyone that access the link (even if they do not have a PEARS account).Share Dashboard Publicly
  6. Click Share Dashboard to create a link for others to access dashboard data.
    Click Close to close without creating a share.
    Click Share Dashboard
  7. A success message appears, confirming the dashboard share has been created.
    Dashboard Share Confirmation
    Click OK to continue working with the current dashboard panels.
    Alternatively, click View share to see your dashboard as it will be shared. The share lists filters applied, displays all charts, and includes a qr code to optionally use for additional sharing.View dashboard share
  8. The sharing link is listed on the dashboards menu. To return to the menu, click Impact Dashboards in the breadcrumbs.
    Dashboard breadcrumbs
    The dashboard options and shares display.
    Dashboard options and shares
  9. Details for each share are listed.
    Copy and paste the link to distribute the shared dashboard to others. The share details indicate if individuals without PEARS accounts can access the share.Dashboard sharing link
  10. To view the shared dashboard, click the name listed. To remove a share, click Delete.
    View or delete dashboard share