Program Activities and Participants

The Program Activities and Participants report allows you to see how many Program Activities have been delivered and how many participants have attended. Data is shown for activities across the entire state for a given time frame. The following article outlines how to access the report, change report filters, view report sections, and how to save the report.
  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Analyze menu and click Program Activities and Participants.
    Select Program Activities and Participants

  2. The Program Activities and Participants report displays.
    Program Activities and Participants Report

Change Report Filters

  1.  By default, the report is filtered to show data from completed records during the past year (based on the date the report is accessed, not the fiscal year). Click the Filter button to change the default filters.
    Program Activities and Participants Filter
  2. Filter options display. Change the filter criteria as needed to display the desired set of data.
    Program Activities and Participants Filter Options
  3. To change the date range, select a new Start Date and/or End Date. Click the date field, then select a date from the calendar.
    Program Activities and Participants Data Picker
  4. To include incomplete records, click the checkbox.
    Include Incomplete Program Activities
  5. Click Apply to confirm the selected filters. The chart and table show data based on applied filters.
    Apply Filters

View Report Sections

The Program Activities and Participants report includes a chart and a table showing the number of Program Activities and participants for each program area.
  1. A chart depicts the number of Program Activities delivered for each program area and the number of participants for each program area.
    Program Activities and Participants Graph
  2. A table lists the number of Program Activities delivered for each program area and the number of participants for each program area.
    Program Activities and Participants Table

Save Report Charts

  1. To save the chart, click the chart menu.Chart Menu
  2. Select an option from the list to print the chart, save as a PDF, or save as an image.
    Program Activities and Participants Save Chart
  3. To print or save the table, please reference the following article: Save or Print a Record as a PDF.