Manage Registrations

  1. Navigate to a specific event in the Community Events module. Once you’ve selected an event, click the Manage Registrations button in the top right of your screen.
    Manage Registrations
  2. The Manage Registrations screen displays. On this screen, search for registrants or filter by attendance status, payment status, registration type, and more. Registration details can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. 
    Search, Filter, or Export Registrant Details
  3. To update registrants’ attendance or payment status or add to the CRM, select applicable registrants. Edit and CRM options display above the list of registrants.
    Bulk Edit or Add to CRM




  4. Select a registrant to view their registration details, invoice information, and registration response. 
    Registration Details

    If needed,
    update the registrant’s attendance or payment status, or Delete the registration. 
    Update status or delete registration
    Optionally print the invoice.
    Print Invoice

    If the registration response needs update, click Edit to make changes.
    Edit Registration Response
  5. Select Return to Manage Registrations to return to the list of registrants and verify the changes made.Return to Manage Registrations