Add Outcomes & Indicators

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Action Plans:
    Select Action Plans from Plan Menu
  2. The Action Plans list displays. Select an action plan to edit:
    Select Action Plan
  3. The action plan details display. Click Outcomes & Indicators.
    Select Outcomes & Indicators Link
    The Outcomes & Indicators page displays:
  4. Before adding a new outcome, make sure the proper category is selected.
    There are three categories: Short Term, Medium Term, and Long Term. Select a category by clicking on the appropriate tab. 
  5. Once the appropriate outcome tab has been selected, click the “Add Outcome” button to begin adding data.
  6. In the “Outcome” text box, enter the description for an outcome.
  7. To add an indicator of how the outcome will be measured, click the “Add Indicator” button.
  8. Another text box will appear, in which you can add a description of the indicator. In the following “Type” drop-down field, select which type of indicator you are describing (either Qualitative or Quantitative).
  9. Additional indicators can be added by again clicking on the “Add Indicator” button. You can add as many indicators as needed. 
  10. Once all the indicators have been added, click “Save” to add the completed outcome to the Action Plan record.
  11. The completed outcome will be displayed in a form similar to the following:

    To make edits to the outcomes and indicators that were previously added, use the action button next to the outcome:
  12. To add additional outcomes within the current category, click “Add Outcome“. You can add as many outcomes as needed.
  13. Once all the necessary outcomes have been added, click “Save and Continue” to save the page and move on to the rest of the Action Plan creation process.