Export Survey Responses by Survey

Under the Analyze menu, exports for each module and for survey data are listed. Exports allows users to download data from PEARS into an Excel spreadsheet. Three types of survey exports are available in PEARS: Responses by Survey, Responses by Question, and Responses by Matched ID. Users can export data from surveys they have entered (or surveys they have access to view). Once the data is exported, users can perform further analysis using tools within Excel.
The following article provides more information on the Responses by Survey export. To jump to a specific section, click on one of the links below:

Access the Responses by Survey Export

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Analyze menu and click Responses by Survey:
    Select Responses by Survey
  2.  A list of surveys displays. All active surveys that are attached to completed Program Activities are listed.
    Responses by Survey List

Export Data from PEARS to Excel

  1. Use the filter and search tools, as needed, to find the survey to be exported. Responses by Survey Search and Filter
  2. Once the correct survey has been identified, click the Export button.
    Responses by Survey Export Button
  3. A window appears with export options.
    Responses by Survey Export Options
  4. Select a time frame for the survey responses you would like to export.
    Optionally select a Reporting Period. Survey responses collected during this reporting period will be exported.
    Alternatively, select a date range. Survey responses collected during this date range will be exported.
    Responses by Survey Date Range
  5. Select the type of survey responses you would like to export. 
    Select Individual Responses if a separate survey was recorded by each individual participant.
    Select All Responses if data was collected in aggregate (i.e. one survey response was recorded to represent selections by all participants in one form).
  6. Optionally select to Code Values.
    Check this box if you would like to analyze survey data based on the coded numeric value associated with the response to each question. If this box is selected, the numeric value for each response option will display in the export instead of the response option text.
    Survey Exports Code Values
  7. Optionally select to Include Response Data of Copied Surveys.
    Check this box if analysis is needed for the current version of the survey and all copies of the survey created from this version.
    Include Response Data of Copied Surveys
  8. Once all options have been selected, click Export.
    Click Responses By Survey Export Button
    An Excel document containing response data from the selected survey is downloaded onto your device.

Responses by Survey Export Sections

Each export includes the following components, located in different data tabs: Codebook, Summary Statistics, and Response Data.
  1. Codebook
    The first tab in every export lists details about the export, including: the name of the user who exported the data, a timestamp for the export, and a list of filters used when the data was exported.
    Responses by Survey Details
    Below the export details, a description of every field in the export is listed.
    Responses by Survey Codebook
  2. Summary Statistics
    PEARS automatically generates some statistical data. The next tab lists a summary of common statistical analysis data. Each question used in the survey is listed, and a separate row is listed for each response option.
    Survey Question and Options Example
    For each response option, the following statistics are automatically calculated by PEARS: frequency, question total (n), percent of response, mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. A separate set of statistics is listed for each type of survey (Pre, Post, Follow-up, and Retrospective).
    Pre and Post Summary Statistics
    If both Pre and Post surveys are administered, PEARS also provides the change in percent and percent change data to compare Pre and Post data for each response option.
    Change in Percent Example
  3. Response Data
    The next tab includes the survey responses participants have entered. Information about the related survey and program activity is included as well. Each row lists one participant’s responses to each survey question.

    Program Activity Data:
    The Response Data tab lists the name and ID of the program activity in which the survey responses are recorded. Other information about the program activity includes: the name of the user that created the program activity, the unit listed on the program activity, primary curriculum, and whether the program activity has been marked as complete.
    Responses by Survey Program Activity Data
    Survey Data:
    The Response Data lists information about the survey delivered, including: the method of survey response collection, survey name, delivery type, delivery date, and whether survey responses were collected individually or in aggregate.
    Responses By Survey Survey Data
    Response Data:
    The Response Data tab lists the survey responses recorded by each participant. The response date and time indicate when the responses were recorded. Each question in the survey is listed, along with the responses of each participant. 
    Responses by Survey Survey Responses

Tips for Analyzing Export Data

  1. Enable editing
    When the export file is first opened, it is in “protected view.” In order to edit the export, go to the top of the document and click the Enable Editing button.
    Responses by Survey Enable Editing
  2. Freeze top row
    If a large data set is exported, scrolling through the data will hide the column titles at the top of the page. To view the column titles at all times, use the “Freeze top row” feature in Excel. To enable this feature, select View from the toolbar. Then, click Freeze Panes and select Freeze Top Row.
    Freeze Panes
  3. Filter and Sort
    To analyze a sub-set of data, select Data from the toolbar and use the Sort and Filter features. For example, the Responses by Survey export is automatically sorted by Program Activity ID. Alternatively, the sort feature could be used to sort the list of responses by unit, survey delivery type (pre/post/etc.), survey delivery date, etc.
    Sort and Filter
  4. Excel formulas
    Excel formulas such as SUM, COUNT, and VLOOKUP can be helpful for data analysis. The VLOOKUP formula can help combine data that is listed in separate tabs.
    Excel Formulas