Evaluate a Partnership

Evaluating partnerships is essential for ensuring the health of the relationship and continuing to improve the collaboration. After at least six months a partnership should be formally evaluated. You can review the list of evaluation tools on the “Evaluation” page for a partnership and choose a formal assessment for a well-established partnership. If the partnership is younger than six months you can still provide an informal evaluation of the partnership on the “Evaluation” page without using a formal assessment tool.
  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click on Partnerships:
    Select Partnerships from Engage menu
  2. The partnerships list view displays:
  3. Click on the partnership that needs to be evaluated:
  4.  The detail view of the partnership displays. Click on Evaluation:
  5. Begin by identifying the Depth of Relationship from the list of options in the drop-down menu under the heading:
  6. Choose the assessment tool used and give a brief description of your finding: 
  7. List any accomplishments by the partnership for the current reporting period:
  8. Include a list of lessons learned from the partnership for the current reporting period, as well as any barriers or challenges encountered:
  9. When all the information that needs to be associated with this record has been added, click Save and Continue to move on to next section, or click Save to go back to the overview page of this partnership: