Create a Performance Review Plan

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click Performance Review Plans:
    Select Performance Review Plans from Plan Menu
  2. The Performance Review Plan list displays. Click Add:
    Add Performance Review
    The Add Performance Review Plan page displays:
    Add Performance Review Plan Page
  3. Select the year for which staff members will be reviewed.
    Select year to be reviewed
  4. Select the position(s) of staff being reviewed. Select a single position or multiple positions.
    Select Position
  5. Select a date and time for the performance reviews to start and end.
    After the start date, staff, supervisors, and board members will have access to record and submit reviews.
    After the end date, reviews can no longer be edited or submitted.
    Start and Deadline Date Time
  6. Optionally check the box to allow Supervisors to import User Self-Assessment response data. This feature allows supervisors to begin their review by copying over responses from the agent review. This feature is helpful if your organization needs the self-assessment and supervisor responses to be listed together on one page.
    Allow review import
  7. Select a self assessment survey, to be completed by staff being reviewed.
    Select Self Assessment Survey
  8. Select a survey to be completed by supervisors.
    Select Supervisor Survey
  9. If applicable, select if board members should be included in the performance review process.
    If Yes is selected, select a survey to be completed by board member.
    Board Member Surveys
  10. Click Save and Continue to save the page and move to the next section or click Save to save progress and view the plan details.
    Save and Continue or Save