Copy a Performance Review Plan

Instead of creating a new Performance Review Plan every year, you can copy an existing plan and change the details as needed. This can make the planning process more efficient.
  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click Performance Review Plans:
    Select Performance Review Plans from Plan Menu
  2. The Performance Review Plans list displays. Select a Performance Review Plan to copy.
    Select Plan
  3. The Performance Review Plan details display. Click Copy.
    Copy Performance Review Plan
  4. The Copy page displays.  If needed, change the plan details.
    Copy Performance Review Plan 2020
    By default, the plan will copy to the current reporting year. To copy the plan to the next reporting year, select the correct year from the drop-down list.
    Performance Review Plan Year to be Reviewed
  5. Review the plan data, and click the Copy button.
    Copy or Cancel
  6. The details of the Performance Review Plan copy display, and an alert message confirms the copy was successful.
    Performance Review Plan Details
  7. Review the copy details to make sure all copied data is applicable to the new plan. Click the Edit button to make changes, if needed.