Users with permission to access the file importer may upload WebNEERS data to PEARS. Uploading WebNEERS data creates demographic data in PEARS. To upload WebNEERS data, complete four steps: encode the data in WebNEERS, export the data from WebNEERS, create an import in PEARS, and upload WebNEERS files to PEARS.
Follow the instructions below to complete the third step of this process (creating an import in PEARS).
- From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the gear icon and click Importers:
- The imports list displays:
- First, choose a name for the import.
- Select the type of data to be imported.
- Click Create New Import.
- The import page displays:
The import is now created. For more information on uploading WebNEERS data to this import, see the article: Upload WebNEERS Data.
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Organization Administrators can contact the PEARS Support Team for more information about the WebNEERS importer. For more details, please see the article Manage Organization Settings.
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If your organization uses the importer, access is granted through a permission given to your user account.
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The red asterisk * next to the heading of a field indicates that the field is required. You will not be able to save until you have added input into that field.