Upload WebNEERS Data

Users with permission to access the file importer may upload WebNEERS data to PEARS. Uploading WebNEERS data creates demographic data in PEARS. To upload WebNEERS data, complete four steps: encode the data in WebNEERS, export the data from WebNEERS, create an import in PEARS, and upload WebNEERS files to PEARS.
Follow the instructions below to complete the final step of this process (upload WebNEERS data files to PEARS).
  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the gear icon and click Importers:
    Gear, Importers
  2. The imports list displays. Select an import that needs data added.
    Select Import
  3. The import page displays. Click Upload Files.
    Select Upload Files
  4.  The Upload WebNEERS Data page displays. Upload WebNEERS exports in the listed sections.
    Upload Webneers Data Page
  5. For each section, click Choose File and select the corresponding file exported from WebNEERS.
    Choose File Button
    Once a file is uploaded, the file name is listed:
    Uploaded WebNEERS File
  6. Once all files have been selected, click Upload.
    Upload Button
  7.  Data from the selected files is uploaded to PEARS. Uploaded data is listed on the import page.
    Imported Data