Update to PEARS Menus


To add more meaningful naming and ordering to the menus and modules, PEARS is making a few updates to the navigation menus after business hours on June 12, 2024.
All users will see the following changes:
  • The “Track” menu is renamed to “Engage”.
  • The “Success Stories” module is moved to a new “Reflect” menu.
  • Modules under the “Engage” menu are in a slightly different order.
Extension users will see a few additional changes:
  • The modules “Quarterly Efforts,” “Action Plan Outcomes,” and “Performance Reviews” are moved to a new “Reflect” menu.
  • The module “Action Plan Outcomes” is renamed to “Action Plan Reports”.
  • Users assigned to the “State Level Action Plan Reviewer” or “Professional Development Opportunity Reviewer” role in the PEARS Directory will no longer see a “Review” menu. Instead, the review functions are available in the corresponding modules under the “Plan” menu.
  • Supervisors will no longer see a “Review” menu. Professional Development Plans for supervisees are available under the “Plan” menu. Performance Reviews for supervisees are available under the “Reflect” menu.
A comparison of the previous and updated menus is included below. Please contact PEARS Support (support@pears.io, 785-789-3199) if you have questions.

SNAP-Ed Menus


Previous SNAP-Ed Menus


Updated Menus SNAP-Ed

Extension Menus


Previous PEARS Menus - Extension


PEARS Menu Updates for Extension