Search for Data

From the main menu, all users can access a site-wide search page. This page can be used to search for data across multiple PEARS modules. To search, type a keyword into the search field and hit the enter key. All applicable records that the current use has access to view will appear in a list. For more details on how to use the search page and which fields are searched, see the sections below:

How to Search

  1. From the PEARS homepage, click the magnifying glass icon.
    Select Magnifying Glass Icon
  2. The Search page appears.
    Search Page
  3. Optionally, select filters to search a sub-set of data. Filters for reporting period, program area, and for each module are available.
    Site Search Select Filter
  4. Type the keywords you would like to search for into the search field, then hit the enter key.
    Site Search Field
  5. All records within the organization that meet the search and filter criteria are listed.
    Search Example Fruit

Fields Searched from Each Module

  • Title
  • Situation statement
  • Public value
  • Short term outcome
  • Indicators of short term outcomes
  • Medium term outcome
  • Indicators of medium term outcomes
  • Long term outcome
  • Indicators of long term outcomes
  • Intended outputs
  • Short term evidence
  • Medium term evidence
  • Long term evidence
  • Program activity name
  • Site
  • Comments
  • Recipes used
  • Title
  • Keywords
  • Background
  • Story narrative
  • Favorite quote
  • Title
  • Recipes Used
  • Activity Channel
  • Site
  • Setting
  • Intervention topic
  • Comments
  • Changes Adopted
  • Partnership name
  • Site
  • Assistance type
  • Depth of relationship
  • Coalition name
  • Assistance type
  • Coalition member
  • Depth of relationship
  • Intervention topics
  • Campaign details