Export Site Data

Programming Managers and Organization Administrators can use the Manage Sites page to add, edit, merge, or delete sites. Staff with these roles can also mark sites inactive and export site data. Exporting site data allows you to review site details in bulk. The following article provides more information on exporting site data from PEARS. To jump to a specific section, click on one of the links below:

Access the Site Export

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Analyze menu and click Sites:
    Select Sites Export
  2.  A list of all sites displays.
    Export List of Sites

Export Data from PEARS to Excel

  1. Use the filter and search tools, as needed, to include all site data to be exported.
    Site Export Search and Filter
  2. Click the Export button.
    Site Export Button
    An Excel document containing data from all sites listed is downloaded onto your device.

Site Export Sections

Each export includes two data tabs: Codebook and Site Data. Exports may also include a Demographics tab, if applicable.
  1. Codebook
    The first tab in every export lists details about the export, including: the name of the user who exported the data, a timestamp for the export, and a list of filters used when the data was exported.
    Site Export Details
    Below the export details, a description of every field in the export is listed.
    Site Export Codebook
  2. Site Data
    The next tab lists all of the data for the selected sites. This tab lists general information about the site, including: site id number, site name, address data, latitude and longitude, etc. This tab also lists information about the the setting selected.
    Site Data
    The Site Data tab also lists the number of Program Activities, Indirect Activities Partnerships, Coalitions, PSE Site Activities, and Success Stories that include each site.
    Site Export Number of Records
  3. Demographics
    The next tab lists demographic data, if applicable. In the Manage Sites administration page, each site entry includes a section to optionally enter the overall demographic breakdown of a site. This data can be used to auto-calculate demographics in Program Activities and PSE Site Activities. If demographic data has been added to sites via the Manage Sites page during the current fiscal year, this data will be included in the site export.
    Site Demographics Export

Tips for Analyzing Export Data

  1. Enable editing
    When the export file is first opened, it is in “protected view.” In order to edit the export, go to the top of the document and click the Enable Editing button.
    Enable Editing Site Export
  2. Freeze top row
    If a large data set is exported, scrolling through the data will hide the column titles at the top of the page. To view the column titles at all times, use the “Freeze top row” feature in Excel. To enable this feature, select View from the toolbar. Then, click Freeze Panes and select Freeze Top Row.
    Freeze Panes
  3. Filter and Sort
    To analyze a sub-set of data, select Data from the toolbar and use the Sort and Filter features. For example, the site export is automatically sorted by site id. Alternatively, the sort feature could be used to sort the list by site name, city, zip code, setting, etc.
    Sort and Filter
  4. Excel formulas
    Excel formulas such as SUM, COUNT, and VLOOKUP can be helpful for data analysis. The VLOOKUP formula can help combine data that is listed in separate tabs.
    Excel Formulas