- From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click Performance Review Plans:
- The Performance Review Plan list displays. Select a plan to edit.
- The Performance Review Plan details display. Click Mark as Complete.
- The Mark as Complete page displays. Click the Mark as Complete button.
- The Performance Review Plan is now marked as complete. The page title and button now state: Mark as Incomplete, indicating that the plan is currently complete.
To edit the Performance Review Plan, mark the plan as incomplete and make changes as needed. The plan cannot be edited while it is marked as complete.
✓ TIP:
By default, your Performance Review Plan list shows plans created in the current reporting year. Click the Filter button to filter for other records.
✓ TIP:
You can edit the review plan until the Start Date. Once the Start Date has passed, changes can no longer be made.
✓ TIP:
To mark a record as incomplete, follow steps 1-3. Then, click the red Mark as Incomplete button:
To show the record is incomplete, the page title and button state: Mark as Complete. Once you mark the plan as incomplete, you can make changes as needed. When you are done making changes, mark the plan as complete.

To show the record is incomplete, the page title and button state: Mark as Complete. Once you mark the plan as incomplete, you can make changes as needed. When you are done making changes, mark the plan as complete.