Create an Indirect Activity

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click on Indirect Activities:
    Select Indirect Activities from Engage menu
  2. The Indirect Activities list displays:
  3. Click the green Add button:
    The General Information page displays:
  4. In the field labeled as Title, assign a name to the record:
    Indirect Activity Title
  5. If the Program Area and Action Plan fields display, click on the drop-down menu to assign a program area to the record. Select an action plan or select “Not linked to an Action Plan,” as applicable.
  6. If the Project Name and Intervention Name field appear, select an intervention from the drop-down field:
  7. In the Unit field, select the unit this indirect activity is associated with:
  8. Choose which Languages the Indirect Activity was delivered in:
  9. If the field labeled as Did this activity include a food demonstration? appears, the drop-down may be used to indicate whether there was a food demonstration associated with this indirect activity:
  10. In the field labeled as Activity Date Range, a pair of dates that correspond to the timing of the indirect activity may be assigned:
  11. In the Comments field, add any additional text you would like to associate with the Indirect Activity:
  12. In the File Attachments field, upload related files as needed. To upload files, click Select to choose files from the computer’s file explorer. Alternatively, drag and drop files into the gray area.Many different types of files may be uploaded, including: Word documents, PDFs, Excel workbooks, jpg, png, and others:
  13. Click Save and Continue to move on to the next section, or Save to go back to the overview page for the Indirect Activity.
    Save and Continue or Save