Create a Program Activity

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Engage menu and click Program Activities:
    Select Program Activities from Engage menu
  2. The Program Activity list displays. Click Add:

     The General Information page displays.
    Program Activity General Information
  3. First, choose a name for the Program Activity. Each organization may suggest naming conventions.
    Program Activity Name
  4. If applicable, in the Program Areas field, select the program areas associated with the Program Activity. Select multiple program areas or a single program area.
    Program Areas
  5. Optionally, select a program group. Options listed change, based on the program area(s) selected.
    Program group
  6. In the Action Plans field, select the Action Plans associated with the Program Activity. Select multiple action plans or a single action plan. The option “Not linked to an Action Plan” is also available, if needed.
    Program Activity Action Plans Field
  7. Next, select the Method used to deliver this program.
  8. In the Sessions section, record information related to each session, including: Start Date, Start TimeSession Length# Participants. Also, click the toggle to indicate if you used a Virtual meeting platform. If Virtual is selected, the toggle will turn green. If needed, click the plus icon to add sessions. Click the minus icon to remove sessions. An Undo button becomes available if you remove a session.
  9. Select the Delivery Site where the program is located. After searching for a site, if the site is not shown in the list, click Add Site to enter the site information manually.
  10. From the drop-down list, select the Unit where the Program Activity was delivered.
    Select Unit
  11. Next, select Language(s) used to deliver this program.
  12. If applicable, answer the question, Did this program activity deliver any programming to youth?
  13. In the Volunteers field, record the number of volunteers involved and the total hours worked by all volunteers.
  14. Optionally, in the Comments field, add any helpful information not captured in the previous fields.
    Add Comments
  15. In the File Attachments field, upload related files as needed.
    To upload files, click Select to choose files from the computer’s file explorer. Alternatively, drag and drop files into the gray area.
    You may upload many different types of files, including: Word documents, PDFs, Excel workbooks, jpg, png, and others.
    File Attachments
  16. Click Save and Continue to save the page and move to the next section or click Save to save progress and view the record details.
    Save and Continue or Save