Add Site Demographics

Programming Managers and Organization Administrators can use the Manage Sites page to add, edit, merge, or delete sites. Staff with these roles can also mark sites inactive and export site data. To add demographic data to a site, follow the steps below.
  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the gear icon and click Manage Sites:
    Select Manage Sites
  2.  The sites list displays. Select a site to edit:
    Select Site
  3. The site details display. Click the Edit button.
    The Update Site page displays:
  4. Scroll down to the demographics section. Fields to track Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Race, and Lunch appear.
    Site Demographics
  5. To specify the overall demographic breakdown of the site, enter a percentage for each applicable category. Enter each percentage as a whole number (for example, to record 20%, enter 20).
    Site Demographics Gender
  6. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.
    Save Delete Cancel
  7. The site details display, and an alert confirms that the site has been edited (if changes were saved).
    Scroll down to view the demographic details.
    View Site Demographics