PEARS is separated into different modules, based on the type of data being reported. Each module is built for reporting a specific type of SNAP-Ed activity or relationship. The following article provides a description of the type of data reported in each module. To jump to a specific section, click on one of the links below:
Program Activities
Direct Education
Takes place when an educator actively engages participants in the learning process through the delivery of an evidence-based intervention.
Takes place in an “in-person” manner. This includes both face-to-face and online activities.
PSE Site Activities
- Working with a site or organization to make policy, system, or environmental changes within the site as a whole.
Social Marketing Campaigns
- Social marketing campaigns are multi-level, coordinated initiatives that combine education, marketing, and public health approaches.
- Uses research and marketing strategies to communicate messages to a SNAP-Ed audience across a variety of platforms in order to influence voluntary behavior change.
- One message is used across a variety of platforms.
Indirect Activities
- Indirect Education
- Takes place when an educator distributes educational information in a manner that is not “in-person.”
- Distribution of information and resources that are not considered direct education or social marketing.
- This includes mass communications, community events, interviews, advertisements, and materials distributions, etc.
- Active partnerships include two or more individuals who regularly meet, exchange information, and identify and implement mutually reinforcing activities that contribute to organizational changes or policies.
- This includes sites or organizations where direct education is taking place.
- A coalition is a group of individuals and organizations that commit to joint action in adopting practices, supports and/or standards, typically for a longer period of time.
- Includes SNAP-Ed Nutrition Action Councils (SNACs) or other relevant collective impact initiatives.
Success Stories
- Narrative describing the difference SNAP-Ed staff and programming are making in people’s lives.
- Can provide insight into the personal/community impact of SNAP-Ed efforts including: Program Activities, Indirect Activities, PSE Site Activities, etc.
✓ TIP:
Program Activities focus on education.
✓ TIP:
PSE's focus on site-wide changes.
✓ TIP:
Social Marketing is not exactly the same as social media . Social media involves using an online platform to share information and interact with your audience. Social marketing may include social media platforms (such as blogs, Facebook, etc.). However, social marketing can include other platforms as well (such as billboards, newspaper, radio, bus wraps, etc.)