Lists Available to Manage

Programming Managers and Organization Administrators can use the Manage Lists page to add list items, edit list items, or delete list items. One month before the start date of the next reporting period, PEARS will automatically copy all reporting-period specific lists to the next reporting period, and you will be able to manage the lists for both the current and next reporting period at that point.
All lists that can be managed are described in the following chart:
With Access
With Access
AudiencesManages the Target Audiences list that shows in
the SNAP-Ed Custom Data section of Program
SNAP-EdOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
CategoriesManages the list of categories available
in the CRM.
ExtensionOrganization Administrators
ChangesManages the list of changes available
in the Changes Adopted section of
PSE Site Activities.
AllOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
CitiesManages the list of cities used in site addresses.AllOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
CompetenciesManages the list of core competencies used
in the Professional Development module.
ExtensionOrganization Administrators
Critical IssuesManages the list of critical issues used in
Action Plans and Quarterly Effort Reports.
ExtensionOrganization Administrators
CurriculaManages the list of curricula that show in the
SNAP-Ed Custom Data section of Program Activities.
SNAP-EdOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
Date RangesManages the date ranges used in the Direct
Contacts module.
ExtensionOrganization Administrators
Funding SourcesManages the list of SNAP-Ed Funding Sources
that are used in the SNAP-Ed Custom Data section of
Program Activities by some organizations.
SNAP-EdOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
InterventionsManages the list of interventions that shows in
the EARS Data report (Item 5, Column A),
as well as in Program Activities, Indirect Activities,
PSE Site Activities, and Social Marketing
SNAP-EdOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
KeywordsManages the list of keywords in the General Information
section of Success Stories.
AllOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
ObjectivesManages the objectives list in the SNAP-Ed
Custom Data section of Program Activities.
SNAP-EdOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
Priority IndicatorsManages the list of indicators that shows in
Program Activities and Success Stories.
SNAP-EdOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
Program AreasManages the list of program areas that shows
across all data entry modules.

Additionally, there is an option to display the "Has
Youth Programming?" question for selected
Program Areas.
ExtensionOrganization Administrators
ProjectsManages the list of projects that shows in
Program Activities, PSE Site Activities, and
Social Marketing Campaigns.
SNAP-EdOrganization Administrators,
Programming Managers
User PositionsManages the list of positions that can be
tied to users in the Manage Users screen.
Not necessary for SNAP-Ed.
AllOrganization Administrators
Youth Programming
Delivery Modes
Manages the list of delivery modes for the
Youth Programming page in Program Activities.
ExtensionOrganization Administrators
Youth Programming
Project Areas
Manages the list of project areas for the
Youth Programming page in Program Activities.
ExtensionOrganization Administrators