The data points are calculated as follows for all data that fit the criteria above.
Program activities are grouped together by setting, and then the total reach is summed up.
If a program activity has the SNAP-Ed program area attached, the setting specified in the SNAP-Ed Custom Data section is used. If the record is not SNAP-Ed, then the setting attached to the delivery site will be used, if available.
Indirect activity intervention channels are grouped by the setting of the site (if a site is attached), and then the channel’s estimated reach is summed up.
PSE site activities are grouped together by the setting recorded in the general information section, and then the total reach from the Changes Adopted section is summed up (if total reach was reported).
Social marketing campaigns are grouped together by the setting recorded in the general information section, and then the total reach from the Reach section is summed up.
Since each campaign can have multiple settings attached, the reach of a campaign is counted once per setting attached.
The sums of the reach of each module are added together for a total reach per setting, then the top five settings are displayed as a column chart.
Reach sums of each module as well as the total can be viewed when hovering the mouse over a specific column.
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