Success Stories

Success stories in PEARS feed into the Success Stories section in National PEARS.

Logic Applied

Records Included:
  • Only records attached to the selected Reporting Year (i.e., 2023)
  • Only records with the “SNAP-Ed” Program Area attached
  • Only records that are marked as complete
Records Excluded:
  • Any record entered by Canopy staff or test users
Additional Logic:
  • Respect “Noteworthy” filter in PEARS. If user chooses to only include stories marked as “Noteworthy”, only those will be included. Otherwise, all stories will be included.
  • Success stories do not import Attachments into N-PEARS at this time.

Field Mapping


Location in PEARS


Location in N-PEARS


Story Title
General Information
Story Title
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
Basic Information
One Success Story in N-PEARS will be created for each Success Story meeting the logic criteria imported from PEARS.
Site or Organization
General Information
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
Basic Information
If a site is specified for the Success Story in PEARS, the Location field will be populated with the City of that site.
General Information
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
Basic Information
If a site is not specified for the Success Story in PEARS, the Location field will be populated with the name of the Unit attached to the Success Story in PEARS.
Site or Organization
General Information
Site(s) or Organization(s)
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
[Basic Information] ->
If a site is specified for the Success Story in PEARS, this field will be linked to that site.
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
The Story
This field will be truncated to 250 words if it is longer than 250 words in PEARS.
Story Narrative
Story Narrative
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
The Story
This field will be truncated to 500 words if it is longer than 500 words in PEARS.
Favorite Quote
Favorite Quotes
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
The Story
This field will be truncated to 150 words if it is longer than 150 words in PEARS.
SNAP-Ed Custom Data
Activity Name
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
Basic Information
Types of partners involved
SNAP-Ed Custom Data
Types of Partners Involved
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
Basic Information
Related Framework Indicators
SNAP-Ed Custom Data
Related Framework Indicators
Success Stories ->
[Story Record] ->
Basic Information
All related framework indicators attached to the Success Story in PEARS will be attached to the Success Story in N-PEARS.