PSE Site Activities

PSE site activities in PEARS feed into the PSE Change Initiatives section of Project and Activity Results in National PEARS.
A video walkthrough of this mapping document is provided here:

Logic Applied

Records Included:
  • Only records attached to the selected Reporting Year (i.e., 2023)
  • Only records with the “SNAP-Ed” Program Area attached
  • Only records that are marked as complete
Records Excluded:
  • Any record entered by Canopy staff or test users
Additional Logic:
  • Only records with Stages of Implementation in PEARS of “Started implementation of changes” or greater and where “Total Reach” is not unknown are included in the “PSE Changes Adopted” section. All PSE site activity records are used for the “Active Partners” section.
  • For any data in Project and Activity Results, the project specified in the “General Information” section of PEARS must match a corresponding Project in N-PEARS. Data will be aggregated/included by project.
  • When tracking Changes Maintained or Changes Adopted, N-PEARS will first copy all Changes Adopted from the previous year’s report into “Changes Maintained”. The PEARS import will then overwrite any Site’s information (including Reach and Changes) in the Changes Maintained section if there are matching changes adopted for the same site and project in both the current PEARS reporting period and the immediately previous PEARS reporting period.
  • If two or more PEARS records exist for the same site/project combination and meet the logic criteria, then the higher of the reach numbers will be used and a list of all PSE changes at the site will be used. This applies to both the “Changes Maintained” and “Changes Adopted” sections.
  • If any PSE Site Activity contains changes adopted that are not in the current reporting period (and have a matching change in N-PEARS), those changes will not be included in the N-PEARS Export.

Field Mapping


Location in PEARS


Location in N-PEARS


General Information
Does this project include one or more policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) initiative(s)?
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
PSE Change Initiatives
If any PSE site activity meeting the logic criteria exists, select “Yes”. Otherwise, select “No”.
General Information
PSE Site
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
PSE Change Initiatives ->
PSE Changes Maintained/Adopted ->
[PSE Site Record]
For each PSE site activity meeting the logic criteria, a matching site will be selected from the “Project Sites” in N-PEARS or created if it does not already exist.
General Information
Site ->
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
Project Sites
For all PSE site activities meeting the logic criteria, annotate each site with a list of distinct Settings used.
Stage of Implementation
General Information
Site ->
Intervention Approaches
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
Project Sites
For all PSE site activities meeting the logic criteria, annotate each site with the corresponding Intervention approach.
See table below for mapping of stages to intervention approaches.
Number of Partners
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
PSE Change Initiatives ->
Active Partners ->
[Partner Record]
Count each partner once per partner type.
See Partnerships for more information.
Changes Adopted
PSE Change Maintained
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
PSE Change Initiatives ->
PSE Changes Maintained ->
[PSE Site Record]
For Changes Maintained, only changes that existed for the same site/project combination in the previous year are logged as “Maintained”.
Changes Adopted
PSE Change Adopted
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
PSE Change Initiatives ->
PSE Changes Adopted ->
[PSE Site Record]
For Changes Adopted, only changes that did not exist for the same site/project combination in the previous year are logged as “Adopted”.
Note that the list of PSE changes in PEARS and N-PEARS matches exactly, so no mapping table is shown below.
Changes Adopted
Actual Reach
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
PSE Change Initiatives ->
PSE Changes Maintained ->
[PSE Site Record]

Note that any PSE record with no Reach reported will be excluded from the PSE Changes data in the N-PEARS Export.
Changes Adopted
Estimated Reach
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
PSE Change Initiatives ->
PSE Changes Adopted ->
[PSE Site Record]

Note that any PSE record with no Reach reported will be excluded from the PSE Changes data in the N-PEARS Export.

Option Mapping

Implementation Stages

PEARS Implementation Stage

N-PEARS Intervention Approach

Site(s) contacted and agreed to participate
PSE (planned and prepared for implementation)
Planning and preparation for implementation (i.e. assessment, training, etc.)
PSE (planned and prepared for implementation)
Started implementation of changes
PSE (adopted changes)
Continued to implement changes
PSE (adopted changes)
Worked to maintain changes
PSE (maintained changes)
Conducted follow-up assessments, evaluation, and/or monitoring
PSE (conducted follow up assessments, evaluation, and/or monitoring)