Indirect Activities

Indirect activities in PEARS feed into the Indirect Education Channels section in National PEARS.

Logic Applied

Records Included:
  • Only records attached to the selected Reporting Year (i.e., 2023)
  • Only records with the “SNAP-Ed” Program Area attached
  • Only records that are marked as complete
Records Excluded:
  • Any record entered by Canopy staff or test users
Additional Logic:
  • For any data in Project and Activity Results, the project specified in the “General Information” section of PEARS must match a corresponding Project in N-PEARS. Data will be aggregated/included by project.

Field Mapping


Location in PEARS


Location in N-PEARS


General Information
Were any indirect education channels used to support this project that were not part of a comprehensive social marketing campaign?
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
Indirect Education Channels
If any Indirect Activity matching the logic criteria exists, this field will be set to “Yes”. Otherwise, the field will be set to “No”.
General Information
In what languages was indirect education offered?
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
Indirect Education Channels
Check box for any and all languages used in any indirect activity meeting the logic criteria.
Please specify additional language(s)
General Information
Other Languages
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
Indirect Education Channels
For each unique “other language” specified, a new row will be added to the N-PEARS “Other Languages”.
Intervention Channel
Intervention Channels and Reach
Project and Activity Results ->
[Project Record] ->
Indirect Education Channels
Check box for any and all channels used in any indirect activity meeting the logic criteria.
See table below for mapping of channels.

Option Mapping

Intervention Channels

PEARS Intervention Channel

N-PEARS Indirect Education Channel

Billboards, bus/van wraps, or other signage
Billboards, transit advertising
Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings)
Community events / fairs – in which participated
Other (specify)
Community events / fairs – only sponsored
Other (specify)
Electronic materials (e.g. email and electronic newsletters or mailings / text messaging)
Electronic materials (e.g., emails, electronic newsletters, text messaging)
Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings)
Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings)
Site-level assets (e.g., posters, banners, a-frames, displays)
Site-level assets (e.g., posters, banners, a-frames, displays)
Nutrition education reinforcement items (e.g. pens, pencils, wallet reference cards, magnets, door hangers, and cups with nutrition messages)
Nutrition education reinforcement items (e.g., pens, pencils, magnets, door hangers, cups, etc. with nutrition messages)
Point-of-sale or distribution signage (e.g. displays or window clings in retail stores)
Site-level assets (e.g., posters, banners, a-frames, displays)
Radio public service announcement
Traditional media advertisement
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest)
Social media
TV public service announcements
Traditional media advertisement
Videos (includes CD and DVD)
Videos (includes YouTube)
YouTube channel
Television interview
Other (specify)
Radio interview
Other (specify)
Fact sheet
Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings)
Software application
Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Text messaging (sending health promotion through text/SMS)
Electronic materials (e.g., emails, electronic newsletters, text messaging)
Paid radio advertisement
Traditional media advertisement
Paid TV advertisement
Traditional media advertisement
Other, please specify
Other (specify)