PEARS Intervention Channel | N-PEARS Indirect Education Channel |
Articles | Articles |
Billboards, bus/van wraps, or other signage | Billboards, transit advertising |
Calendars | Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings) |
Community events / fairs – in which participated | Other (specify) |
Community events / fairs – only sponsored | Other (specify) |
Electronic materials (e.g. email and electronic newsletters or mailings / text messaging) | Electronic materials (e.g., emails, electronic newsletters, text messaging) |
Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings) | Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings) |
Site-level assets (e.g., posters, banners, a-frames, displays) | Site-level assets (e.g., posters, banners, a-frames, displays) |
Nutrition education reinforcement items (e.g. pens, pencils, wallet reference cards, magnets, door hangers, and cups with nutrition messages) | Nutrition education reinforcement items (e.g., pens, pencils, magnets, door hangers, cups, etc. with nutrition messages) |
Point-of-sale or distribution signage (e.g. displays or window clings in retail stores) | Site-level assets (e.g., posters, banners, a-frames, displays) |
Radio public service announcement | Traditional media advertisement |
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest) | Social media |
TV public service announcements | Traditional media advertisement |
Videos (includes CD and DVD) | CD or DVD |
Videos (includes YouTube) | YouTube channel |
Websites | Websites |
Television interview | Other (specify) |
Radio interview | Other (specify) |
Fact sheet | Hardcopy materials (e.g., calendars, fact sheets, flyers, pamphlets, recipe cards, newsletter for mailings) |
Software application | Other (specify) |
Blog | Websites |
Podcast | Other (specify) |
Text messaging (sending health promotion through text/SMS) | Electronic materials (e.g., emails, electronic newsletters, text messaging) |
Paid radio advertisement | Traditional media advertisement |
Paid TV advertisement | Traditional media advertisement |
Other, please specify | Other (specify) |