Create a Professional Development Plan

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Professional Development:
    Select Professional Development from Plan Menu
  2. The Professional Development Plan list displays. Click the Add button:
    Professional Development Add Button
  3. The Professional Development creation page displays:
    Professional Development Plan
  4. First, choose a Reporting Period:
  5. After selecting a reporting period, the Events field will populate with events chosen from the event catalog:
    Professional Development Events Added
  6. Assign a program area to the professional development plan:
  7. Add an area of core competency to the professional development plan:
    If applicable, multiple core competencies may be selected. 
  8. In the Events field, the events that have been added to this reporting year in the My Events tab will display. To remove any of the items from the list, click on the icon next to the item to be removed:
  9. To add another event that is not on the list, click the Add Another Activity button:
  10. The Name field in the “Other Activities” field displays. Enter the name of the activity that is being added:
    Click Save to save the activity name.
  11. Repeat steps 9 & 10 until all other activities have been added.
  12. Click Save to finish: