Add Multi-State & Integrated Project Details

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover over the Reflect menu and click on Quarterly Efforts:
    Select Quarterly Efforts from Reflect Menu
  2. The Quarterly Efforts list displays. Select a record to edit.
  3. The details of the quarterly effort reported display. Click Multi-State & Integrated.
    Quarterly Effort Select Multi State & Integrated
    The Multi-State & Integrated page displays.
    Multi-State and Integrated Programming
  4. First, determine if any projects need to be reported.
    If there are no multi-state or integrated projects to report for the quarter, click Save and continue to save the page and move to the next section.
    If there are multi-state or integrated projects to report for the quarter, click Add a project.
    Add a Project
  5. When you click the link to add a project, an Add Project form appears. First, enter the name of the project.
    Multi-State or Integrated Project Name
  6. Next, select whether the project contained multi-state programming, integrated programming, or both.
    Multi-State and Integrated Checkboxes
  7. Next, enter a description of the project.
    Multi-State and Integrated Project Description
  8. Next, enter the percentage of time spent on the project for the quarter and save the project.
    Multi-State and Integrated Percentage of Effort
  9. All saved projects are listed on the Multi-State & Integrated page. To add another project, click the Add button. To edit an existing project, click the edit icon. To remove a project from the list, click the delete icon.
    Add, edit, or delete projects
  10. Once all projects from the quarter have been added, click Save and continue to save the page and move to the next section, or click Save to save the current changes and view the record details.
    Save Buttons