Add an Event to a Professional Development Plan

  1. From the PEARS homepage, hover the cursor over the Plan menu and click on Professional Development:
    Select Professional Development from Plan Menu
  2. The Professional Development Plan list displays. Click on the Event Catalog tab:
    Select Event Catalog
  3. The Event Catalog displays. Click on the switch next to the event that needs to be added to the professional development plan:
    Event Toggle
  4. After clicking the switch, the icon will change color. The event has been added to the the list of available events to add to a professional development plan:
    Event Added
  5. Click on the Plans tab:
    Select Plans Tab
  6. Click on the professional development plan an event is being added to:
    Select Professional Development Plan
  7. The Professional Development detail page displays. Click the Edit button:
    Edit Plan
  8. The professional development plan edit page displays:
    Professional Development Plan Example
  9. Place the cursor in the Events field. Begin typing the name of the event that is being added. A drop down list of options matching the text entered will display. When the proper event populates, click on it:
    Select Event
  10. Repeat step 9 to add any other events to the plan. When all necessary events have been added, click Save: